Salt Lake Community College believes
that the people it serves are at the center of its work. As the college moves
forward with an ambitious strategic plan and continues its significant growth,
the People and Workplace Culture (PWC) division was created to address specific
needs. The PWC plays a critical role in moving SLCC’s mission forward with a
“people-centered” focus in areas like employee relations, human resources, faculty and staff
development and educational initiatives. PWC plans to engage in an annual
service project each December with a Thayne Center community partner, and this
year PWC chose the Murray-based nonprofit English
Skills Learning Center (ESLC).
On Dec.
13 PWC volunteers on SLCC’s Taylorsville Redwood Campus assembled 500
binders, purchased with an SLCC Community
Engagement grant, for ESLC’s students to give
them the necessary tools they will need to learn the English language. To
ensure reciprocity and to promote a culture of community service, PWC leaders
invited the English Skills Learning Center to present to the PWC group and
Thayne Center staff members. The ESLC connects
communities through language by bringing together more than 1,000 adults each
year from over 45 countries for tutoring from more than 150 trained, volunteer
ESL teachers. Before English-language learners can
begin taking classes, they need basic tools for education. This need and SLCC’s
commitment to reducing barriers for education forms the basis of the community
service project for the PWC division.