Note: In recognition of forensic science's contribution to the criminal justice system, the week of September 18-24 is designated as National Forensic Science Week. Forensic Science Student Alexis Maurice explains her theories during a mock scenario. Before sliding to the floor with a scripted deathly groan, SLCC forensic science student, Alexis Maurice gave her final thoughts on how her character might have met her demise. Not only do students in Assistant Professor Stephanie Hoffman’s Crime Scene Processing course participate in a mock crime scene complete with evidence like fake blood spatter they also conduct group research projects that seek to fill gaps in the field of forensic science. Alexis participates in a mock scenario. Alexis investigated the best filters and infrared and ultraviolet wavelength combinations for imaging and documenting tattoos for identification purposes. This is important as crime labs are backlogged, and databases of DNA and fingerprints “are not as...