The Student Writing Center will be celebrating
International Writing Centers Week 2015 (February 6-13) with a Faculty Writers
Reading Series. International Writing Centers Week is celebrated each
year by Writing Centers around the world to foster better awareness of the
learning that takes place in writing centers and the impact that they have on
our educational institutions. In the past the Student Writing
Center has featured the work of student writers through writing contests and
other activities. This year, it seems appropriate to feature the work of
SLCC faculty who are writers themselves.
Each day at noon (12:00pm) in the AAB Fritz
Cultural Commons during the week of February 9th,
we’ll be featuring SLCC faculty writers:
February 9: Lisa Bickmore
February 10: Lynn Kilpatrick & Benjamin
February 11: Clint Johnson
February 12: Wade Bentley
February 13: Brandon Alva
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