A troupe of young actors and technicians from around Utah converged on Salt Lake Community College's annual Grand Youth camp, presented by SLCC's Grand Theatre. The two-week summer master theatre camp for children in grades 7-12 engages ambitious, creative students in exciting and relevant theatre creation. Experienced artists help participants discover the power of theatre through exploration of devised theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed techniques. Students can take master classes focusing on either performance or technical skills that will be applied to the creation and public performance of their own devised theatre pieces. Below are a few highlights from Day One of the camp.
A troupe of young actors and technicians from around Utah converged on Salt Lake Community College's annual Grand Youth camp, presented by SLCC's Grand Theatre. The two-week summer master theatre camp for children in grades 7-12 engages ambitious, creative students in exciting and relevant theatre creation. Experienced artists help participants discover the power of theatre through exploration of devised theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed techniques. Students can take master classes focusing on either performance or technical skills that will be applied to the creation and public performance of their own devised theatre pieces. Below are a few highlights from Day One of the camp.