Jenni Yang-Chambers
Adjunct Professor of American Sign Language
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
World Languages
What she teaches:
American Sign Language 1010
Number of years teaching at SLCC:
BS in University Studies in Health and Community Studies, University of Texas at Arlington
Graduate student at Texas Tech in Mental Health Counseling
Why working at SLCC matters:
When I learned that SLCC had an ASL/English interpreting program, not only did it excite me, but it motivated me to provide these students an opportunity and a stepping stone to grow as great interpreters. I believe in quality education; the diversity of resources, students, and faculty of Salt Lake Community College that I have met have been wonderful. I know that SLCC is a place where students can find personal and professional success.
Greatest professional challenge:
I’ve taught for 8 years in Texas, so it was a bold shift going into marketing in a new state and company. Being able to teach again, albeit part-time with the transition of hybrid/online format during COVID-19 was even trickier. I’d say being able to navigate a full-time job and teaching in a new state victoriously is my greatest professional challenge.
Greatest professional accomplishment:
As a Deaf person, my greatest professional accomplishment was becoming the first Elective Department Head on a campus, where all teachers and administrators were hearing. It was ambitious and exhilarating to lead my department of 12 to maintain a high standard of excellence. I did not let my Deafness impede my professional growth or diminish my contribution to the campus, both internally and externally.
Advice for students or others:
Always ask questions and be ok with making mistakes. In this time, we’re all here adapting, learning, and should use this time to explore our passion, try new things, and find what it is that makes us a well-rounded person. You do you!
Future plans:
I look forward to the day I can travel again, specifically to Hawaii and Disney World.
I just moved to Salt Lake City a year ago with one tiny all bark-but-no-bite pup, named Pluvio, that I rescued from the streets. My parents reside in Texas - where I was born and raised and have a younger sister in Seattle.
I have such a wide variety of hobbies! I enjoy reading sappy fiction books, crafting, doodling, baking, and being a self-proclaimed food and coffee connoisseur. Brunch is my favorite meal, and I am not ashamed to say that I love to shop and be a couch potato with a good movie.
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