SLCC President Huftalin Joins Forces with Excelencia in Education’s Presidents for Latino Student Success Network
Presidents for Latino Student Success Network
Excelencia in Education recently announced that Salt Lake Community College President Deneece G. Huftalin has joined their Presidents for Latino Student Success network. The network includes college and university presidents and chancellors who pledge to create learning environments that promote the success of Latino students while continuing to serve all students.
Sarita Brown, co-founder and President of Excelencia believes that higher education leaders with skills and vision are crucial to the country's strong recovery. “Those prepared to engage and intentionally serve Latino students, while serving all their students, will lead the way,” she said.
Through the network, President Huftalin will collaborate with Excelencia to leverage collective expertise and resources, foster partnerships and amplify current efforts at the national level.
"SLCC is committed to pursuing the HSI designation in a meaningful way. By joining the Excelencia network, we are strategically positioned to leverage data-informed strategies to augment our ability to intentionally serve students,” said SLCC President Huftalin. “Our pledge goes beyond increasing enrollment of Latino/x students toward a future where Latino/x students thrive. In collaboration with Excelencia, SLCC will continue to lead the way in Utah for Latino/x student success in higher education."
SLCC Commencement 2023 |
Excelencia in Education was founded in 2004 to build a network of educators and policymakers prioritizing the need for a highly educated workforce and civically engaged leadership in the United States. This organization helps Latino students succeed in higher education by transforming Hispanic Serving institutions, a designation based solely on enrollment numbers, into colleges and universities that genuinely serve the needs of Latino students.
The Seal of Excelencia
Having President Huftalin join the Presidents for Latino Student Success network is just the start of SLCC’s association with Excelencia in Education. Introduced in 2019, the Seal of Excelencia is a certification program for colleges and universities that serve Latino students with intention and a worthy goal for SLCC’s achievement. The Seal of Excelencia requires HSI colleges and universities to prove success in innovating and implementing approaches to accelerating Latino student success. This intentional focus on evidence-based practices sets seal-certified institutions apart, catalyzing meaningful change and improved outcomes for their Latino populations.
Out of the many colleges and universities in the United States, the network, led by over 150 leaders, enroll 25% of all Latino students in higher education. Institutions whose presidents participate in the network have higher retention rates and twice as much Latino faculty representation. Institutions certified with the Seal of Excelencia are responsible for graduating 14% of all Latinos and one in three Latino graduates in the country.
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