A professional development opportunity for all new SLCC supervisors or supervisors who would like "brush up" on their skills!
Tuesday, May 22 & Thursday, May 24
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Jordan Campus, Student Pavilion Multipurpose Room
Please note: Training is a full, two-day event.

- Team member to team leader
- Leadership styles
- Control and trust banks
- Communication 101
- The power of words
- Listening
- Giving & receiving negative and positive feedback
- Difficult conversations
- Goal setting
A light lunch will be provided. To register for this free event, click here.
If the above link does not open, click here and login with your MyPage credentials. For registration assistance contact SLCC Technical Support Help Desk at ext 5555.
For questions about this event, email deanne.arvizu@slcc.edu or call (801) 957-4088.
Supervisors (Camp Recreation and Welfare) Job in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Apply On http://www.talentailor.com/index.php?route=service/jobdetails&jobId=MTQz