Todd M. Baird
Program Coordinator
Technical Specialties/Aviation and related technologies
Aviation Maintenance
What he teaches:
Aviation generals, Aircraft systems, Reciprocating engine
technology and Turbine engine technology
Number of years teaching at SLCC:
Undergraduate degree:
Salt Lake Community College
Why working at SLCC matters:
I enjoy the knowledge transfer to students who are looking
to enter into the aviation trade arena. SLCC touches more people looking for
skillsets to enter the workforce, and the college needs competent professors to
set students on the correct pathway.
Greatest professional challenge:
Aviation lacks a balance of women to men with equal skillsets
due to the low number of women seeking aviation maintenance as a career
pathway. I am constantly striving to find ways to recruit more local women to
join aviation.
Greatest professional accomplishment:
Modernizing and improving outcomes in the learning and
instruction environment for the Aviation Maintenance program
Advice for students or others:
As individuals we have three things that need to be
constantly protected and managed; integrity, accountability and work ethic. Together
they give us credibility.
Future plans:
I’d like to finish my education.
daughter and son, nine grandchildren (seven girls and two
people, propulsion technology, basketball, camping, anything
outdoors, low-level farming