Salt Lake Community College’s Somos Mas organizers recently held a kickoff event for students. Somos Mas, translated to mean Together We Are More, is a program designed to assist and support students of color in achieving their academic goals and owning their educational journey. It focuses on retention, academic excellence and completion or graduation through a holistic approach. It is led by individuals of similar backgrounds and supported by those wanting to assist People of Color in succeeding.
The program provides students with social and educational support with the belief that the best mentors of students are other students. With this idea, students with the most experience serve as a peer mentor for new students, providing not only encouragement and support but also the sharing of information and experience about the different resources SLCC offers. Somos Mas has regular meetings on subjects of interest to students and provides workshops, tutoring and referrals. The goal is to give SLCC students the necessary tools to be a successful student.
For those interested in learning more, call 801-957-4954.