**Please note that the following opportunities are available to all faculty and staff.**
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning bridges the gap between the career you want and the skills you need. Learn online, at your own pace, with our library of 5,000+ creative, business, and technology courses, on subjects from art to Zend. Learn how to find the best courses to take using our recommendations and search tools, explore learning paths, play and pause training videos, use transcripts and exercise files, and customize your learning experience.
All employees can utilize LinkedIn Learning: SLCC Learn
Registration Information
You must register for each training event. View the Registration Tutorial.
Register in the MySLCC Employee Training Portal. Search under “Staff Development.”
For more information about these training events, go to the Staff Development Calendar.
Visit the catalog for a listing of all Staff Development training events.
If you need ADA accommodations, please contact Jill Tew, HR, jill.tew@slcc.edu.
Questions? Contact Deanne.Arvizu@slcc.edu
CI15–Perkins Program Professional Development Opportunities
What You Should Know
The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act is a principal source of federal
funding to states and discretionary grantees for the improvement of secondary and
postsecondary career and technical education programs across the nation. The purpose of
the Act is to develop the academic, career, and technical skills of secondary and
postsecondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Virtual Via Webex
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Learning Objectives
-Learn about the internal request process and timelines
-Inform faculty and staff of things to be aware of regarding Perkins funding requirements
-Permissible vs not-permissible actions
Save the Dates! Spring Supervisor Essentials
CV28 - Module 1 – January 28
Part 1- 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Creating A Culture of Feedback with the GPS Program
At SLCC, we value our employees and believe that it is a fundamental leadership responsibility of supervisors to develop others. Supervisors will learn about our Growth, Planning and Support (GPS) program to set individual performance goals and increase alignment with the College’s Mission, Vision, and Values.
Part 2- 10:15 am -11:15 am
We will also discuss how giving and receiving feedback can improve your ability to coach, lead and engage your employees to create a more inclusive and equitable environment.
Presenters: Marni Fisher & Anjali Pai
CV29 - Module 2 – February 18
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Equitable and Effective Employee Relations and Compliance Practices
At SLCC, we believe it is a priority of supervisors and leaders at all levels to establish a positive work environment, which includes understanding and executing equitable and effective management practices. Learn how to address challenging employee related concerns. Learn both the informal and formal corrective action processes. (Best suited for Supervisors with Full Time Staff)
Part 2: 10:45 am -11:45 am
Topics include understanding and managing employee leave, as well as SLCC and federal practices related to FMLA & ADA.
Presenters: John Robinson, Margaret Vail & Jill Tew
CV30 - Module 3 – February 25
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Creating a Positive Work Environment: Ensuring Equal Opportunity and an Inclusive Workplace
At SLCC, we strive to maintain a working environment free of discrimination, intimidation, coercion, harassment and retaliation. Participants will learn the importance and necessity of creating an inclusive, welcoming working environment and the responsibilities of a supervisor to create such an environment. We will also discuss methods that supervisors can use to avoid and address difficult conversations and situations.
Presenter: David Jensen
CV31 - Module 4 – March 25
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Finding and Hiring the Best: Understand SLCC Hiring and Employment Processes
At SLCC, we want to find and to retain the best talent. Hiring managers and supervisors are essential to this process. Supervisors will learn to successfully navigate the hiring process. Additional topics include writing inclusive job descriptions, talent management, the role of a Search Advocate, and more.
Presenter: Marni Fisher
CV40 - Module 5 – April 22
Part 1- 9:00 am – 10:00 am (Risk Management)
Part 2-10:15 am - 11:15 am (Legal)
Legal & Risk Topics
At SLCC, supervisors model being stewards of our resources. To help understand the various risk and legal aspects, supervisors will learn more about free speech, subpoenas and record requests, workers’ compensation, contract review, required training, driver safety training, accident and loss reporting, and who to contact when you need help with these and other topics.
Presenters: Mikel Birch, Lynn Miller, & Chris Lacombe
HR17 - Search Committee Training
Are you on a Search Committee (or planning to serve on one soon) and need some general process training? We are here to help!
Register in the MySLCC Employee Training Portal under Staff Development. Prior to the workshop, you will receive a WebEx Meeting Invite containing the login information.
February 4 – 9:00am – 10:00am
March 16, 3:00am – 4:00pm
Wellness Program
Meeting URL: | https://slcc-edu.zoom.us/j/84950102088?pwd=RE43TDBEdEtiak4wTE1RQkVydDQvZz09 |
Meeting ID: 849 5010 2088 | 849 5010 2088 |
Passcode: wellness | wellness |
Meeting URL: | https://slcc-edu.zoom.us/j/89445065316?pwd=RzRQdXJKWU5KRnJjemlMeFJ6Zkg1dz09 |
Meeting ID: | 894 4506 5316 |
Passcode: | wellness |
Helpful Resources
OIT Training at SLCC
Want to learn more advanced Excel? Interested in SharePoint Basics? Sign up for a class with OIT training.
Have a question? Contact OIT Training:
Tami.Anderson@slcc.edu; (801) 957-3944
Judy.Sylvester@slcc.edu; (801) 957-4560
New Course! Introduction to Hosting Microsoft Teams’ Meetings
We have added a course to our OIT Training offerings this semester. We are offering an introduction to Teams’ Meetings management for those hosting their virtual meetings or classes through Microsoft Teams.
Learning Objectives include:
- Navigating the Teams Software
- Scheduling Meetings in Teams
- Scheduling Meetings in Outlook
- Setting up Teams’ Meeting Options
- Using the Teams’ Meeting Tools
- Sharing Content in Teams’ Meetings
- Using Breakout Sessions in Team Meetings
- Managing Teams Meeting Recordings
Questions? Contact Judy.Sylvester@slcc.edu; (801) 957-4560.
Journaling for Resilience
Join the Writing Across the College program for Journaling for Resilience, twice-weekly half-hour sessions of personal writing. In each session, you’ll find a selection of journaling prompts that will encourage you to explore how you are doing, what you need, or what you are grateful for. Drop in when you can; stay for as long as feels right to you.
No registration required. Just log in to Zoom below. Contact tiffany.rousculp@slcc.edu with questions or recommendations.
Spring 2021: Mondays and Thursdays, 12-12:30pm.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://slcc-edu.zoom.us/j/86751158146?pwd=VVZjcGxpdVVDL2tGUXgrZU9VYjVVdz09
Meeting ID: 867 5115 8146
Passcode: 693779
Meditative Pause at SLCC
Join SLCC faculty Heidi O’Donoghue and Andrea Malouf each week for Meditative Pause for People in Higher Education. Each week we will take a break from doing and problem-solving to come together for ½ hour sessions to connect, relax and center via web-ex. We’ll explore breathing and relaxation techniques, as well as best practices for mindful communication and well-being. Each session will include a very brief introduction to the weekly topic, a guided meditation and then a short group reflection.
No prior experience or registration required. Just join when you can. If you’d like to receive weekly web-ex reminders, please send your email and your department name to Andrea (andrea.malouf@slcc.edu) or Heidi (heidi.o’donoghue@slcc.edu). Or just email with questions.
Spring Session 2021: Tuesdays from 1–1:30 p.m January 13–April 28, 2021
Join the Zoom Meeting: https://slcc-edu.zoom.us/j/83040715246?pwd=S3FveVVPblVLYzZBVlNiUVY3Rkx3UT09
Passcode: 8p439t
Heidi O’Donoghue is an Adjunct Faculty at Salt Lake Community College where she teaches The Theory and Practice of Meditation in the Exercise Science Department. Heidi is a certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher through Brown University’s Center for Mindfulness in the School of Public Health. Heidi works as an independent contractor for Salt Lake City School District teaching MBSR and other mindfulness trainings to teachers, administrators, school counselors and social workers. She is also a registered yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance and a certified Yoga Nidra teacher through the iRest Institute.
Andrea Malouf is a Professor at Salt Lake Community College, as well as the former director of the SLCC Community Writing Center and former Vice President of the SLCC Faculty Senate in addition to many other projects and achievements in engaged learning. Her work in contemplative practices includes training and assisting meditation facilitation with Time Out Associates in the late 1990s. Most recently she has trained through the Center for Renewal and Wholeness in Higher Education at both a one-week retreat and a weekend retreat in 2019. She is a member of the SLCC Center for Authentic Leadership and Mindfulness and has facilitated a two-day retreat in 2020. And while it is different, but relative, she is also a trained mediator through the Utah Dispute Resolution/Utah State Bar Association.
Testimonials from May 2020 Meditative Pause for People in Higher Education
“Thank you Andrea and Heidi once again for organizing these weekly meditative sessions. I am a firm believer in meditation, as I practice it on my own. But these weekly sessions really worked for me because it was a time for reflection as well. What I really liked about these sessions was the fact that each session centered around a theme. For instance Andrea yesterday you focused on “not trying to fix anything,” so while I was meditating I was consciously trying to led go of things that are beyond my control and that helped. When I meditative I don’t generally reflect on anything in particular but your sessions made us all reflect on issues and that helped, at least for me. I would definitely be interested if you continue with these sessions. Thank you once again”
— Aarti Nakra
“I found these session to be very valuable and re-energizing. Not to put too much on it, but I feel these are more valuable now than ever. I would be very interested in these in the future.” — Matt S. Merkel
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