At first, they thought she might be cheating. Katie, as
Thomas J. Tobin tells the story, too suddenly and without an obvious
explanation changed from a failing college sophomore to someone who could write
a paper worthy of an A grade.
Tobin, the keynote speaker during Disability Awareness Week
at Salt Lake Community College, said he and others eventually discovered that
Katie had found a different, more suitable way for her to handle assignments.
“She was told to sit at a laptop and type her first thoughts in response to an
assignment,” Tobin said. “Katie couldn’t do it. They tried putting an
assignment on a piece of paper and told her to write with pen and paper to respond.
Katie couldn’t do it. But when they said, forget that, let’s just talk about
the idea to write about, just talk to me and tell how you would respond – Katie
could do that.”
When the writing center at Katie’s college connected her
with speech recognition software, allowing her to speak her thoughts and have
her computer do the writing, the change in her work was “dramatic.” She
graduated in 2014 cum laude and became a social studies teacher.
Tobin, a faculty associate on the Learning Design, Development
& Innovation team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, heard several
reactions to Katie’s story. Find “barriers” to learning and remove them. Help
faculty and staff gain a better understanding of services available to
students. Students have different learning styles, a reaction which Tobin quickly
“Let me tell you something radical but based on 38 years or
research – learning styles don’t exist,” Tobin said. “Learning styles as fixed
characteristics don’t exist.” Rather, he said, learning preferences tend to
formulate in the moment based on what is happening in a person’s life at the
time. A time-strapped single dad, for example, who has 45 minutes during his
commute to digest an assigned article for class can do so with a PDF that has
an audible option. “That’s not a learning style, it’s a circumstance that
dictates a way to learn,” he said.