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Still Time to Sign Up for SLCC Serves, Day of Service

Join your SLCC family Oct. 4 for the annual Day of Service as we celebrate the work we do in our community and continue the initiative to deepen the culture of community engagement at SLCC! We will be providing a free t-shirt and lunch celebration for all who participate. This is the perfect opportunity to go out into our community and serve those who support us. NOTE: Some of the volunteer options below are full and closed for registration.

·      October 4, 2019 - Large #SLCCserves Day Of Service!
·      MORNING OPTION: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
·      AFTERNOON OPTION: 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
·      WITH A LUNCH CELEBRATION FROM 12 p.m. -1 p.m.!

8:00 am - 8:30 am
Check-in for morning volunteer option - Student Event Center (SEC), Taylorsville Student Center
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Transportation to morning volunteer option
9:00 am - 11:30 am
11:30 am - Noon
Transportation back to Campus
Check-in for afternoon volunteer option - SEC
Noon - 1:00 pm
Lunch Celebration - SEC
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Transportation to afternoon volunteer option
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Transportation back to Campus

* Employees can participate in either the morning or afternoon – but not both volunteer times.

* Use of community engagement leave is not required for staff for this event.

Morning Volunteer Options: 9 AM – 11:30 AM

Project Description: Help organize art materials at our storage facility.

Accommodations: This would be challenging for someone with physical disabilities.
Group Size: 8-10

Project Description: Volunteers will help prepare and serve a meal to about 400 of our homeless friends. They will gain new perspective as they interact with our kitchen staff and clients.

Accommodations: Volunteer roles are adaptable to individual abilities.
Group Size: 20-30

Project Description: SLCC volunteers will read on-on-one with students and talk to them about the importance of and opportunity to go to college.

Accommodations: We have a fully accessible building and will make accommodations as needed - no challenges anticipated.
Group Size: 40-50

Project Description: We will be preparing activities for our Real Life sites that begin in November. We will have four stations for volunteers to rotate through. Two of these stations will be assembling lesson plans and activities for our Real Life sites that start in November. Two stations will be assembling STEM lessons for our international sites in 2020.

Accommodations: Ground level, no stairs.
Group Size: 20-30

Afternoon Volunteer Options: 1:30 PM – 4 PM

Project Description: Help assemble furniture and sort donations for refugees at our Sharehouse. We completely furnish new apartments for each refugee family that arrives in Utah. We furnish them completely on donation. All of those donations are collected at our warehouse which we call the Sharehouse. This is where the project will take place.

Accommodations: Most volunteer jobs at the Sharehouse will require lifting 20 lbs or more. We can adjust jobs as needed. There is always something to be done.
Group Size: 10-15

Project Description: Clever Octopus will host a Classroom Kit Prep project. Volunteers will work with COI staff to prepare materials for STEAM based classroom project kits. These kits are used in youth programming throughout Salt Lake Valley as well as sold at our retail location at 4973 S State Street Murray, UT 84104 at an affordable and accessible rate to teachers.

Volunteers can expect to use scissors, box cutters, and pliers in performing a number of simple tasks. An example would be cutting a cardboard loam or creating small index cards that are wrapped with yarn for a weaving project.

Accommodations: Any and all abilities are welcome. The library is ADA wheelchair accessible and we will be able to provide volunteers with disabilities accommodation so long as we are told ahead of time so that we can be sure that we are prepared.
Group Size: 15-20

Project Description: We will be creating and placing a mural on one of our outer walls during our afterschool hours. We severely need help with prepping our wall (painting, clearing the area and patching any possible holes) to be able to do this.

Accommodations: This project will take place on a grass field.
Group Size: 10-20

Project Description: Outside cleanup: cleaning the parking lot, pulling weeds, cleaning outside windows, cleaning the front and back of the clinic.

Accommodations: This would be challenging for someone with physical disabilities.
Group Size: 10-15

Project Description: Art Build! We will host a community art build in which volunteers will help paint "protect wild Utah" movement banners and large patches for shirts. The banners and signs will be screen-printed by hand. The prints will be designed this summer and produced en masse before the Art Build on October 4. Volunteers at the Art Build will paint the prints with colored paint. Volunteers will be allowed to take a shirt patch with them (and some for their friends), and the banners will be stored by SUWA for our next Wild Utah Action.

Accommodations: We can ensure there are seats and tables accessible to people in wheelchairs so folks can paint. This problem would be a challenge if the volunteer is not able to hold a paintbrush. Other disabilities would need further thought.
Group Size: 20-30

Project Description: Assist in winterizing facility exterior: prune gardens, wash windows, pick up litter & sweep parameter of building, and pull weeds.

Accommodations: Wheelchairs on the grass may be a challenge, but we could work around that.
Group Size: 10-15

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