Carlos Diaz
Preferred pronouns:
West Valley City
Washington State
Current major:
My current major is Social Work. I chose this career field because I know I can make an impact on people’s lives.
Academic goals:
I hope to one day have my masters in Social Work, but until then at least be in the field of substance abuse counseling.
Dream job:
Becoming a substance abuse counselor is my ultimate goal. I decided to continue helping others as I was helped.
Plan B:
There is no plan B because Plan A will work.
Why higher education:
To continue growing and learning as an individual, and to remind me to keep and have an open mind.
I chose Salt Lake Community College because I have friends who have graduated from here. They loved it.
What motivates you or inspires you at school and/or in life:
What motivates me is knowing what there is once you hit rock bottom. Nothing. Learning from my mistakes also plays a big role in motivating me.
Important life and/or career lessons you have learned so far:
Always spread love and positivity because you never know what someone is going through.
Best advice you have been given or that you give others:
To keep going and never stop
Two brothers, a sister and a child of my own.
Being around my kid and growing a business.
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