For the month of January, the SLCC Reference Department has a book display on the main floor of the Markosian Library. This display is a sampling of various books and DVD’s from the Markosian Library’s stacks on the History of Electronic Music. It includes materials on computer music composition, sampling and recording technologies, electronic music synthesizers. The display also showcases one of the early pioneers of electronic music Léon Theremin and his invention of the Theremin electronic musical instrument.
This display will be of special interest to students in SLCC’s Music, Media Music, MIDI, and Music Recording Technology programs.
SLCC Music Department [link]
So come on down and check out the “History of Electronic Music” display at the Redwood Campus SLCC Library and learn a little bit about the history behind the making of the myriad of Electronic Sounds that surround us every day in music, media and the technological landscape we inhabit
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